Category Archives: Romance Movie

Why is the invasion of the Triumvirate 400 years in the future, when humanity has to prepare for war ahead of time?

Why is it that the invasion of the three-body civilization is 400 years away, while mankind has to prepare for war in advance? According to the earthlings’ concept of “living in the

The five most iconic lines from The Three Stooges, word-for-word and solid!

There are a lot of classic lines in The Three Bodies, and they all come from some wise man’s mouth, with extremely deep meanings behind each sentence. Therefore, the Secretary has specially

Ten details you didn’t know about Dune 2! Sisterhood is the most complicated

On March 8, the second part of Dune, which has been dormant for three years, finally met the audience. This famous director, star-studded, with the sci-fi world “Lord of the Rings” called

En kort en lang:all about love,all for love

I started to try to watch the original Danish DVDs, and after choosing a lot, acquiring some, and seeing a few, combined with my own feelings during my few months in Denmark,

Lady Bird movie review: the brightness and confusion of a different kind of youth

At the 75th Golden Globe Awards, “Lady Bird” won two awards in the categories of Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Musical Comedy, and Best Film in a Motion Picture –

Once Upon a Time in America movie review: Looking back on the past, there is no place to pay tribute to the sentiment

Once Upon a Time in America” is a classic gangster crime film directed by director Sergio Leone and released in 1984. Although the film focuses on the legendary story of the gangsters,

Better Nate Than Ever Review: A Journey to Follow Your Dreams

Better Nate Than Ever” Afterthoughts (I): A dose of seasoning under the epidemic’s tense mind It is very relaxing, because recently the epidemic is always distracted, some anxiety. I started watching this

In the Heights Review: This year’s best song and dance film masterpiece

Although “In the Heights” in the theme of exploration and the form of no cliché, song and dance scenes are also high standard, but because the film is focused on the marginal

“FREE GUY”: Write the most romantic love letter with the code of 0 and 1

“FREE GUY” can win my favor, and there is a more important emotional reason-it is a relatively rare Hollywood mainstream commercial film that values programmers and has a science and engineering romance.

Catch Me If You Can–The fake pilot tricked the vacuum sister

Frank Abanel in “Catch Me If You Can” is not a fiction, but a real person. The movie is adapted from his life and deeds. Today we will talk about the legendary