The Sound of Music : the dream of music woven to love

The famous American movie “The Sound of Music” is a legendary masterpiece in the history of cinema, adapted by the famous American director Robert Wise from the Broadway musical of the same name, which uniquely and perfectly fuses music into the soul of the movie, throughout the whole story and scenes, giving a powerful touch and infection in a new artistic form. The movie uses part of the dialogue in the form of songs to express, uses dance to replace the character movements of the movie characters, uses music to set the atmosphere of the environment, expresses the psychological activities of the characters, and promotes the development of the plot to the climax. The successful use of music in the movie “The Sound of Music” is of great appreciation and aesthetic value. The movie adopts the form of musical drama, shaping a number of characters with distinctive characters. The film is full of life and beautiful natural scenery, which is enchanting and tells a story full of understanding and love between people, touching the heart.

The film is based on a true story that took place in Salzburg, Austria in 1938 on the eve of World War II – Sister Maria was assigned to be the governess of seven children in the home of a retired officer, Colonel Trapp, whose wife died prematurely and the Colonel taught the children in the strict way of managing soldiers, so that the whole family was shrouded in gloom. This is broken by the cheerful Maria, who teaches the children to learn music and enjoy life in a happy way, and is eventually happily married to the Colonel. As a musical film, the whole movie is characterized by very classic music, including “Do-re-mi”, “The Lonely Shepherd”, “Snowdrops” and “The Sound of Music”, from the soundtrack to the lyrics, from the plot to the structure, all speak of the preciousness of freedom and people’s desire for it. What is also very touching is the devout love for God, the concern for fellow believers, the warm love for family members, the soul love for loved ones, and the strong and deep love for the country.

The Sound of Music” is a film that uses a lot of music to set the mood of the play, to describe and drive the plot, and to express the inner conflicts and struggles of the main character. There is no doubt that these beautiful music plays a very important role in the whole play, and the play is a classic because of the classic music used. For example, at the beginning of the film, the slow orchestral music is blended with the rolling hills and the occasional birdsong from the forest. The vast and beautiful natural scenery, the heroine’s first appearance in the viewer’s field of vision, at this time and the magnificent effect of the orchestra blends with each other, vividly showing the audience the beautiful, peaceful and tranquil Austria. When Maria is now above the beautiful wilderness, she then faces the wilderness and sings the song “The Sound of Music” alone. The song sings the beauty of nature with infinite affection, expresses the main character’s infinite love for music and life, and portrays Maria’s inner activities and character traits vividly. In the convent, the other nuns are talking about Maria, who makes them laugh and cry. Maria sings a song on the handsome green field — “The Sound of Music”. The melody is beautiful, and the natural scenery of the Alps blends into one. This song not only opens the film, but also shows the audience the hero’s praise for nature and life. Then the abbess and the nuns sing in a cantata, and the music is humorous and witty. They express their respective views on Maria, showing that Maria is full of youthful energy, with a lively and active personality and wild behavior – “She is gentle! She’s wild! She is riddling! She is a child! She is a headache! She is an angel! She’s a girl!” Passionate at heart, she was often late for prayers as she ran off alone into the wilderness to enjoy the beauty. The nuns thought that Maria’s wild and cheerful personality would spoil the slightly solemn atmosphere of the convent, but on the one hand, they liked Maria’s kind and sincere personality, which brought them joy; on the other hand, Maria’s youthful and wild personality made them laugh and cry. As the lyrics say, “She’s as unpredictable as the weather, as unpredictable as a feather,” the play’s tongue-in-cheek, declamatory style of singing fits perfectly with the nuns’ comments about Maria’s character, as well as with her personality. At the same time, it seems refreshing and easy to attract the audience’s attention and interest.

Music shapes the characters. The film uses music to clearly interpret the distinctive personalities of Maria and the Colonel. The opening song of Maria – “The Sound of Music”, “For thousands of years, the mountains have been alive because of music, and my heartbeat has been felt because of music ……” shows Maria’s The song “The Sound of Music” was sung by the nuns. As a nun, Maria was naughty and mischievous, often went out to explore and play, and yearned for a free and unrestrained life, which also reflected her desire to embrace life and enjoy it. I Have Faith”, “Over Every Mountain”, the song Maria sang when she went to the Colonel’s house for the first and second time respectively, shows her strong heart, she knows clearly the difficulties she will face, but she does not retreat, does not give up, “I can do the best”, since she chooses to do it, she has to do the best, so to the children’s naughtiness Naughty she used her kindness and tenderness to tolerate and forgive, and eventually won the children’s love and trust; in the face of the colonel’s feelings, despite the many uncertainties of the future, she still told herself to raise confidence, and try to overcome the fear and anxiety of the heart, bravely face, to fight a, these portrayed a beautiful and strong woman inside, admirable. To help the children overcome their fear of lightning, Maria sings “My Favorite Things” for them. The children show complete trust and reliance on her, and she teaches them to imagine something beautiful to break the fear in front of them, which shows that Maria’s heart is full of light and beauty, positive and optimistic, and that life lies in the good things rather than in the transient gloom. Later in the film, the Colonel sings the Austrian ballad “Snowdrops” with deep emotion, choking up at one point, and introduces it as a “love song”, showing the Colonel’s resilient, strong and unyielding military image and patriotic spirit that would rather be broken for the sake of the jade, not for the sake of the tile. The song “sixteen going on seventeen” is sung by Lisa, the eldest daughter, when she is quietly dating the letter carrier. It is cheerful and sweet, full of children’s curiosity about growing up and their longing for love, and reminds people of their own youthfulness. In the concert held by the Colonel and Baroness together, the children sang the ballad “The Lonely Shepherd” with a light and refreshing melody. The children’s performance was humorous and funny without losing their manners, showing the children’s innocent and childish heart and their love for music.

Music reveals the theme of the film “music is the sound of thinking”, music can use auditory combined with visual to drive all the sensory cells, so that people associate the construction of a beautiful and harmonious picture, such as immersion, portraying the extension of the film’s thematic ideas. The film’s overhead shot of the rolling Alps is magnificent, the blue broad lake calm and silent, spreading out on the screen, so that people deeply feel the majestic atmosphere of nature. Immediately after the appearance of Maria, she was dressed in a long dress, full of smiles, Maria’s songs of praise and love of nature accompanied by beautiful singing and joyful dance in the blue sky and blue field reverberate, “the mountains are full of life because of music, singing a thousand years of songs ……” to give people The music gives people the pleasure of returning to nature and enjoying the freedom to advocate the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. When the colonel returned home, Maria taught the children to sing “The Sound of Music” to welcome their father and the baroness. The children’s sweet singing and gorgeous performance moved the colonel, who did not expect his naughty children to be so lovely and versatile. Do.Re.Mi” is the song Maria sings when teaching children basic vocal music, “Deer, a deer, a doe; light, a golden sunset; me, that’s my name ……” She connects the notes with the food of daily life, which satisfies both children’s sense of novelty and teaches them the notes correctly and subtly, so they are less resistant to the novelty and accept it relatively easily. This is an inspiration for children’s teachers to fully understand children’s playful nature and avoid rigid indoctrination, so that children can learn with joy and experience joy in learning. Since the release of the film, “Snowdrop” has become a classic Austrian ballad that has been widely celebrated around the world. 5 The snowdrop is the national flower of Austria, a small but flawless white flower that grows proudly in the Alps. Even in a harsh and barren environment, the tiny snowdrop can still grow strongly, symbolizing the Austrian people’s love for their country, their desire for peace, and their strong and unyielding spirit.

The film “The Sound of Music” as a landmark masterpiece in the history of cinema, the year won the Academy Awards ten nominations, five awards, sound and shadow excellent fit, in order to give birth to such as “The Sound of Music” this collection of light and shadow, the film is not only about emotions more about the war, but its presentation of everything is that beautiful, seven children’s heavenly voice refreshing, with music overflowing emotions full and sincere. The beauty of the scenery, the sound and the music weave a dream of the most beautiful realm, its impact and influence is still .